Saturday, December 09, 2006


And Even More ...

eleven hats from the blogless Laura who kindly provided her own photograph (and isn't her table a lot nicer than my worktable that i've been taking all the pix on?)

Anyone getting tired of this? I'm not. My table is almost covered in hats again!

two hats from Guernseygal, from whose blog I stole this picture because I'm getting very lazy

two beautiful hats from Cynthia who, despite being ill, still found the energy and time to make this much-appreciated contribution

and this gorgeous hat from Leanne, who claims that she hasn't done fair isle in 78 years or something (she's trying to make me think she's old)

Just two more photos and then the prizes start!

All right, well maybe I'm not that old. But it has been a while.
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